Monday, June 4, 2012

It's Real

Having had my own Spanish adventures I can say that the transformative effect of that Barcelona air isn’t just movie magic—it’s real.
-Melissa, Mostly Madrid 

Truest. Story. Ever.

The same has been said about Sevillla, and I assume therefore it will be the same for Murcia.

I'm feeling a lot of things right now, mostly tepid excitement given the economic crisis. But ultimately, lo que será, será.


  1. That picture is a prediction of what's to come, because good times will be had in Spain once again! 

  2. Oooh I've been quoted!  So fancy.  ;)

    There's something about the smell of a place though isn't there?  Like sometimes I'm walking along and all of a sudden I remember how Spain *smells* and it's weird, and so happy.  I can't wait to get back there!

  3. I'm excited for you!  You're living the dream.  Please, please try to keep blogging after your big move!

  4. Oh I fully plan on blogging from Spain, I want to re-title the blog, but a name hasn't come to me yet

  5. I know exactly what you mean. It's crazy because in the winter, the smell of cigarettes and cold air instantly send me back to Italy. And there' a special sort of sunshine that triggers Spain for me. Crisis or not, I cannot wait to get back!

  6. I am so excited for you Nadette- you are about to go on a crazy fun adventure and I can't wait to hear, see and experience it all via your blog! 

  7.  Everyday if feels a little more real and I get a little more excited (and terrified). I just can't wait to be back on Spanish soil...



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