Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking Forward

So as I mentioned in my last post, I've been busy with application essays for future endeavors. I wish I was done with jumping through through all of these hoops, but alas, I have yet another application due next week. In lieu of the new year, and the sort of forward reflection that comes with, I've had a lot on my mind for the last few weeks, and most of it was negative. But earlier this week, I had the opportunity to participate in an intimate discussion over dinner with one of the leading experts in the field of health policy and law in the country. From this dinner, I was able to take home a few key points, that at this point in time, were really encouraging. The first of which is that I probably haven't wasted over two years in a job that I'm not fond of, and that I'm definitely heading in the right direction. The second was that, there is still so much to be done, and the health reform law only scratches the surface. And the third and most important was that I was reminded of exactly what I want to do with my career and why. That entire experience provided a much needed moment of clarity and encouragement. It's been really hard for me to see the forest through the trees in the last few months, but I've been feeling like a new woman as of recent, and I'm pretty sure that's only half due to the reintroduction of coffee into my life. So with that said, my friends, I hope to impart the same encouragement and clarity to you as well. How 'bout that for a Friday post?

Oh, and just a heads up, my next few posts will probably be fluff, while I finish up this application. Maybe I'll finally get some pictures of me in pole class 8)

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