Thursday, August 25, 2011

From Spain with Love

I carry Spain in my heart. Every. Single. Day. This much, you know is true. Do you know how I know that you know this about me?

Because more than a few people have told me that whenever they hear or see some reference to Spain, they think of me. That makes me feel loved. And I need a lot of love these days. Lots of it. And I need a car. And a roommate. And a place to live. But I literally don't have the energy to talk about that sh*tf*ckery today. Ugh.

But back to you knowing me and my Spain.

So my friend and fellow epicurean blogger (and fellow Blue Hen, go UD!) Keeley over at My Life on a Plate totally put me on to my newest food tv obsession, From Spain with Love. It comes on the Cooking Channel, which is by and large 8 bajillion times better than the Food Network. The moment she told me about the show (and that it reminded her of me) I added it to my DVR. Because I DVR food shows all the time. That's totally normal, right?? *nervous laugh* This past weekend, the first in which I was not contractually obligated to be reading a Harry Potter book and/or celebrating a Leo's birthday, I finally  had the chance to watch the show. And sure enough, I LOVE it. But there's a twist to this story. You see, I don't actually have the Cooking Channel on my satellite f*ck comcast! package. When Keeley told me about it, I just happened to have a free preview of it for a few weeks. And then one day, like Kaizer Soze, the Cooking Channel was gone and I was left destitute and alone with only the Food Network to sustain yet not entertain me. Whatever is a Jersey girl, who is going to move to Spain, and totally obsessed with watching good food television to do?! Well it turns out, I can simply do laundry at my sister, Odichi's house and watch it there, because she also thought of me when she saw it, and promptly added it to her DVR! Now that, my friends is love. Hermanas rock!

While I immersed myself in back to back episodes of this show, naturally I was enthralled by the "24 hours in Barcelona" episode, because this city was my introduction to Spain and all it's wonder. Then the most awesome thing happened, and then it happened again. First, the host totally recommended a visit to the Bourne district--the very neighborhood in which I "lived" for five maravilloso days with Odichi, Hillary, and Alihah in the most amazing apartment. And then Ms. Annie Sibonney sashayed right into Taller de Tapas, which is the restaurant where we enjoyed our very first meal in Spain. Sweet!

So this finally brings me to the point of this post which, it would appear, was divinely postponed for three months so that I would have something far more interesting to say than, "FREE STUFF!!" 

In case you hadn't realized, this is a giveaway! Honestly, I kept putting this post off because I wasn't sure if anyone would want what I got. Because I was really busy drinking/dancing/flirting my face off during the Feria [and then sleeping till 2pm everyday] I didn't have much time to shop for something that was functional, useful and obviously from Spain, because I HATE nickknack gifts. But when I saw this kitchen set consisting of an apron, oven mitten, and pot holder on that fateful day in Sevilla, I thought it was perfect gift.

But then I got home and thought it was totally crappy and nobody would want it. So I guess now I'll find out if I suck more at buying blog gifts than I do at blogging. 

Giveaway entry is simple. You have to a be follower via GFC, Facebook, or The Twitter and leave an awesome comment. Please indicate your method of following if it's not obvious.
Contest closes Wednesday, August 30, 23:59. Winner will be announced August 31st. And hopefully I'll have a new (to me) car, a roommate, and new digs by then too. 

¡Buena suerte a todos¡


  1. That's cool! I love seeing either local spots or places I have been to on TV :) And with so many Jersey centric shows these days, I get to see a lot of it :) One day I hope to enjoy your Spain, preferrably with you as my expat tour guide!  My sister is heading out there in next month. Can't wait to hear all about her experience too.
    Count me in on the giveaway!  And good luck with all the changes this month. Hope you get car and roommate/apt thing situated soon. XO

  2. How did I not know you were on "The Twitter" and how was I not a fan of your Facebook page?  Wow.  Okay, check me off for both.

    Please count me in on the giveaway!  I don't think it's cheesy at all!  I'm really happy that you enjoy that show.  It actually made me want to go back to Spain (and my memories of the country aren't as fond as yours).  Maybe Spain is better than I remember!

  3. OK, first we went to Spain, then you threw in the Cooking Channel, then somehow Kaizer Soze got worked in and after all that it turns out to be a giveaway? I love how your mind works lady. it is a rare thing to be able to weave these incongruent things all together into a masterpiece!! I follow you like 10 millions ways but will get on the FB, i think the last bit I was missing;)

  4. Now I'm sad that I don't have the cooking channel!

  5. Every once in a while, my ADD serves a useful purpose, lol. Glad to see you on FB, eps now that I'm utilizing that and twitter more regularly!

  6. I've heard that you can barter with your cable or satellite company and exchange channels. But I haven't gotten around to testing that theory, b/c I'm about to move. But I say you should try it :)



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