Friday, January 14, 2011

Manger, Comer, Mangiare

Remember that wall quote that I won from the BonBon Rose Girls blog way back when? I was so exited to have won a blog giveaway, and promptly ordered my custom designed wall quote to spruce up my kitchen. I just knew that as soon as my package was delivered, I was going to set up jazz up my kitchen walls with my awesome wall quote, accentuated with some of the post cards from my travels, and share pictures of the finished product. Well...things didn't go exactly as planned. My wall quote was delivered shortly after I ordered it, and instead of setting it up immediately, I let it sit in the box it came in for two whole months. To say that I like to put off doing projects is an understatement. But the wait is over (for all of us).  I finally got off my ass and finished this project. It was easier than I thought it would be, and I couldn't be happier with the final look. Please pardon the pictures, but the lighting in my kitchen is horrid. And it really is time for me to upgrade cameras. Le sigh...


  1. I like it! I've considered getting some wall quotes (in black script) for my kitchen, but I'm worried that I have too much going on in there as it is... then again, it's my favorite spot in the house, so who cares if it's a bit crowded, it's me!

    Before you jump the gun on a new camera, think about adjusting the color and contrast with some basic editing. 'Cause I'll warn you... once you jump into the realm of DSLR, you will spend an entire paycheck on lenses, books and other stuff because you may just get addicted. I don't need any more expensive hobbies!

  2. Hey
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    Cheers :)



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